Teaching vacancies are available in the government’s Social Welfare Special Education in KPK, the advertisement of which was published on January 14, 2025. If you also want to do a teaching job, you can apply for it. Both males and females can apply for this job. The last date to apply is January 24, 2025. Applications submitted after that will be rejected. Stay with us to know the Eligibility Criteria and complete the application process for applying for this teaching job.
- Post date: 14/01/2025
- Vacancies: Multiple
- Gender: Male and Female
- Education: Minimum Matric, Graduation, Intermediate
- Age: 18 to 35
- Job type: Government
- location: Pakistan
- Last Date: 24/01/2025
- Experience: Experience is required for some posts and not for others.
Available Vacancies in Social Welfare And Special Education Jobs 2025 and Eligibility Criteria
Position | Age Limit | Education |
Assistant (BPS-16) | 20 to 32 years | Minimum Second Class Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University. |
Computer Operator (BPS-16) | 21 to 35 years | Minimum Second Class Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology (BIT/BCS four-year program) or its equivalent from a recognized University. |
Junior Scale Stenographer (BPS-14) | 18 to 30 years | Minimum Second Class Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University and one-year Diploma in Information Technology. |
Religious/Theology Teacher (BPS-16) | 18 to 32 years | Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies or its equivalent. |
Beautician Instructor (BPS-12) | 18 to 28 years | Minimum Second Class Intermediate Certificate and Two Years Diploma in Beautician. |
Religious Teacher (BPS-12) | 18 to 28 years | BA (Islamic Studies/Arabic) or its equivalent. |
Junior Teacher (BPS-16) | 21 to 28 years | Bachelor’s Degree, Bachelor of Education, and Diploma in Teaching of the Deaf. |
Senior Teacher (BPS-16) | 18 to 25 years | Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor of Education. |
How to Apply Online for Social Welfare And Special Education Jobs 2025
- You will have to submit your application online to the KPK government’s Welfare And Special Education, so you need to visit the ETEA website. https://etea.online/
- After visiting the ETEA website, click on the post you want to apply for, open the online application form, and fill it in. Enter your personal information, educational qualifications, experience, and other required details as asked in the form.
- After submitting the form, you will have to pay the fee which will be provided in the options on the ETEA website. Generally, the fee is deposited through a bank or Easypaisa Jez Cash, etc.
- You will have to upload a scanned copy of your educational certificate and experience, safety certificate, and identity card. Please note that all documents must be clearly visible.
- After completing the entire form and uploading the documents, check it once. After confirming the form, you can submit it.
If you need any assistance during the donation process, you can get help from the ETEA helpline or the FAQs on the website.
- Posted Date: 14/01/2025
- Last Date: 24/02/2025